What is E.D. and what are the symptoms
It is estimated that up to 18,000,000 men in the U.S. experience Erectile Dysfunction (E.D.) and over 40,000,000 men are currently taking the little blue pill for assistance in the bedroom. The most commonly known symptom of erectile dysfunction (ED) is an inability to get an erection sufficient for penetration. However, E.D. symptoms start out mild and are often treated with temporary sexual stimulation medications, but symptoms will continue to progress over time.
E.D. Prevalence By Age

Study data shows that there is a direct correlation between the U.S. male population “decades of life” and the prevalence of E.D.
Forget the pills and address the root
of the problem with a RegenePulse tune-up!
Pills will only mask the problem and they offer temporary relief to a physiological problem. RegenePulse is a proven, completely non-invasive procedure that restores blood flow, improves erections, and overall sexual performance.
All men experience a decline in their ability as they age. Whether symptoms are mild or moderate, 80% of all E.D. is vasculogenic in nature, meaning a lack of blood flow. ESWT uses energy to stimulate neovascularization, which restores functionality and sensitivity. After a few brief treatments most men are seeing and feeling their youthful self again.
Introducing RegenePulse for Men, a completely non-invasive
therapy that turns back the clock on E.D.
EWST, the science behind RegenePulse for Men, has been used throughout the world safely & effectively in fields ranging from Orthopedics for soft tissue conditions to Urology for breaking up kidney stones and erectile dysfunction or E.D.. These uses have been documented in hundreds of published studies.

Recent studies conclude that ESWT treatment delivers meaningful results and remarkable improvement for sufferers of Erectile Dysfunction.
RegenePulse can change your life.
What are you waiting for?
There are RegenePulse™ trained and certified providers around the country. Only certified providers can administer this treatment.
Medical providers interested in becoming RegenePulse™ trained and certified can provide contact information using this easy inquiry form.